Thursday, March 25, 2010

Creativity requires pain

Welcome to my very first blog! This is apparently the thing to do when you are starting your own little piece of the world to create and sell your items. So I thought why not, lets give it a try, I can do anything, GRRRR.

This blog will mostly be short and sweet. I was making a few items to get started really selling and I realized this is hard work! Not that I didn't know that going in, I've always crafted, but it just seemed very real at the moment. And the physical injuries I have inflicted upon myself over the past month are nothing to laugh at. I have stabbed myself one to many times with GIANT needles, had both my hands cramp from crocheting, and burnt my hands over and over again with my cute, pink, innocent looking little glue gun. Crafting never seemed this painful before. I think the higher expectations I have put on myself have started to warp my brain. Plus doing it late into the night while the little one's are asleep isn't the best idea. Take note glue gun at 1:30am is not a good idea.

Oh well, pain is small sacrifice to get to have fun and create things that I myself enjoy and hopefully you will enjoy too.

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